Integrative Brain Health

Many of you are familiar with the gut-brain connection. Digestive function impacts emotions, mental and cognitive state, and the general health of the brain. When considering integrative brain health, it is important to consider various factors that influence the wellness of this vital organ.

Treating the gut is an essential step in ensuring brain health and preventing neurodegenerative diseases.

Modern western medicine is recently prolific in publishing studies that outline the pathways and mechanisms of connection between the gut and brain, such as the vagus nerve.

And while this is meaningful and helpful, it’s well worth it to mention that this was all well known several thousands of years ago.

Chinese and Ayurvedic medical ancient texts outline the intricacies of this connection and provide highly effective treatment strategies. But there is something that is often missed across all medical fields…

Did you know…


While treating the gut can help treat the brain, treating the brain itself is often a missed step in modern medical practice. 

The truth is, our brains can have issues independent of the gut. The greatest culprit is inflammation.

Here is a partial list of what can contribute to brain on fire:

  • gut on fire
  • chronic stress
  • traumatic brain injury (like concussion or stroke)
  • emotional and psychological trauma
  • COVID19
  • environmental toxins (pollution, mold)
  • inflammation anywhere in the body
  • certain childhood diseases
  • certain sexually transmitted diseases
  • drugs, alcohol, smoking

There are other causes and contributions, and identifying early symptoms and administering adequate treatment is instrumental to enhancing vital cognitive function throughout life.
Unfortunately, many people and especially medical doctors and professionals participate in “medical gaslighting”. 
They tell people who notice changes in the functionality of their brain (cognition, emotion, memory) that cognitive decline and memory issues are “normal”, and that there’s nothing wrong with them, that it’s all in their head.



On top of feeling demoralizing and being often untrue, the opportunity for early treatment and prevention is missed. Quite tragically, this sets people up for degenerative brain disease that is entirely preventable.
Having a sharp mind, strong memory and a sense of psychological wellbeing is available even in old age! I’m talking into the 100’s.
Assessment and treatment varies by case. Specific interventions may be necessary and helpful on an individual basis. However, several recommendations that I offer my patients can be easily applied across the board.

Top tips for integrative brain health:


  • Get plenty of deep, restorative sleep HERE’S HOW
  • Heal emotional and psychological trauma
  • Choose an anti-inflammatory eating style
  • Clear/Avoid/prevent exposure to environmental toxins
  • Take a highly bioavailable form of Turmeric, Resveratrol and Omega3 EPA fish oil daily – highly anti-inflammatory, these are the only supplements known to cross the blood-brain barrier and go directly to the brain

(I am particular about sourcing supplements – not everything on the market is made equal.) The best recommendations for clean and effective products can be found HERE

  • Hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy
  • Limit time watching upsetting TV and being on devices
  • Exercise in well-ventilated area daily
  • Mindfulness, meditation, relaxation practices

What about the things we can’t control? 


Thanks to the science of epigenetics, we now know why certain “genetic” diseases are expressed in some individuals and not in others.

Lifestyle habits, as it turns out, play a huge role in whether certain genes “turn on” or “off”. Just because Parkinson’s or Demential is in your family lineage, does not mean you’re doomed.
COVID19 is another bugger that brings people in with brain concerns. People with long covid suffering from brain fog are GREATLY helped by following certain nutritional and supplement plans, as well as healing the associated emotional trauma.
Whether it’s the shock of a catastrophic life event, the sustained stress of childhood struggles or emotional abuse over time, exposure to horrific events in the news, or living through these intensely stressful modern times – the effects of emotional and psychological stress and trauma can be healed.

There are specific modalities that don’t just bandage the symptoms, but actually lead to resolution and lasting healing.



Fun Fact:

The brain contains glial cells that play an important role in our brain’s immunity. They clear out gunk and ensure that pathogens are kept at bay! Glial cells are also partly responsible for the connection between inflammation and emotions.

With stressful events (such as TBI or psychological trauma), these cells become “primed” and generate and inflammatory response. While this response is designed to be therapeutic in the body, chronic environmental, physical and emotional stress results in over-activation. This compromises the brain’s health.

We experience symptoms such as brain fog, increased emotionality (anxiety, depression, fear, quick anger response, etc.) and memory and cognitive problems. All of these may be symptoms of an over-inflamed brain. 


There is nothing worse than feeling “off” and being told that it’s nothing, or “all in your head”. Maybe it ACTUALLY IS all in your head, so all the more reason to do something about it.

Humans have subjective emotions and intuitive abilities for a reason. When we listen to the subtle whispers of our bodies, we are able to avoid a bulldozer knocking down our entire house, later.

My approach to brain health is integrative. From uncovering root causes and eliminating sources of toxins to healing emotional and psychological trauma and outlining a nutritional and supplement plan, there are myriad options that combine to prove highly effective in healing the brain.

The aim is to promote mental, emotional and cognitive health, enhancing longevity and preventing neurological-degenerative diseases.

You deserve to make an informed choice!